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How to Drive in Oregon’s Weather Conditions

Here's what you need to know...
  • Traveling Oregon is a fun experience any time of year
  • Be aware of the changing weather in Oregon and be prepared
  • Having comprehensive coverage and roadside assistance may be well worth the extra assurance

Are you thinking about driving to Oregon for a winter vacation? Perhaps you have always wanted to see the state of Oregon but have been putting it off for the right time?

Oregon is an interesting and historical state, and it is one that you should not miss.

Oregon is a state that is home to over 3.8 million people, and it is the largest division of a population in the U.S. It was ratified as a state in 1859.

The state capital is Salem. Oregon is also located on the Pacific Northwest Coast underneath the state of Washington.

Visitors and locals alike enjoy the historical roots of the state of Oregon and the many natural attractions that can be seen in the state.

Looking to visit Oregon soon? Before hitting the road, make sure you have the best auto insurance first! Enter your ZIP code above to start comparison shopping today!

Weather and Climate in Oregon


The weather and climate in Oregon are mild during most of the year. Since Oregon is located west of the Cascade mountains, winters are cold, and there is often rainfall and light snowfall throughout different times in the winter season.

Temperatures are cold due to the Arctic cold spells, but the desert area is drier with less precipitation. In western Oregon, you will experience a much more marine type climate due to the fluctuating in high and low pressure in the state.

When traveling in Oregon, some people are concerned about how to maneuver in Oregon’s bad weather situations that sometimes arise.

The Four Seasons of Oregon

The four seasons vary somewhat in Oregon, as they do in any state. Below is a summary of the type of weather you can expect in the state of Oregon.

— Summer

Summer weather in Oregon begins in July and ends in September.

The average temperature is around 80 degrees but may be over 100 for a couple of days a year. Evenings are around 60 degrees.

Rain is scarce during the summer except on the extreme western coastline due to the marine climate.

— Fall

Fall weather begins in October and ends in mid-November. Daytime temperatures drop to the 60s and low 70s.

The combination of cooler temperatures and light rain during this time creates beautiful foliage in Oregon.

— Winter

Winters in Oregon start in mid-November and last until mid-March.

Temperatures range from the high 50s to low 40s. Some days and nights may dip down into the low 20s. Rain is frequent during this time of year in Oregon.

They do get snow but not massive amounts, and it is somewhat unpredictable. The issue with snow is not so much massive amounts as much as it is intermittent light snow that is unexpected.

— Spring

Spring weather in Oregon is a time when flowers bloom, and birds sing.

Temperatures are in the mid-50s and 60s in March and April and 70+ in June. Rain continues through the spring season with more showers than downpours.

Driving Tips for Bad Weather in Oregon

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When driving in Oregon, you need to be aware of what is common in each season, when to expect possible rain or snow, and be alert to increases or decreases in temperature, depending on the season you are traveling.

Some things you need to do to prepare to drive in Oregon’s weather are:

  • Prep your car – When traveling in Oregon, prep your car beforehand so that it will be ready for any weather. You should check your headlights, windshield wipers, tires, and fluids such as antifreeze and oil to make sure it’s travel-ready.
  • Get your car inspected/repaired – Getting your car checked out to ensure safety is a good idea before traveling a long way. If you have tail lights out or other issues with your car, get them repaired before you hit the road.
  • Stash an emergency kit – Make sure to include items that you might need on your trip so that you won’t be stranded without them.

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– What to Include in Your Emergency Kit

What you decide to include in your emergency kit depends on what your personal needs are but here are a few suggestions:

  • Extra clothing and food supplies
  • Medications that you need
  • Blankets
  • Extra water and snacks
  • First Aid Kit

What you include in your kit may depend on how long you plan to be gone, as well. Another factor is the season that you travel.

If you go during the winter, for example, you will want to take extra blankets and warm clothing.

During the summer, you would want to focus on bringing extra water and emergency snacks, as well as anything else you might need if you were to become stranded in the heat or desert areas.

What to Do in Certain Weather Conditions in Oregon

Depending on the weather conditions, you should heed the advice of experts regarding Oregon’s roadways when driving through the state and always be aware of changing weather and road conditions. Experts might advise you to:

  • Slow down
  • Watch out for black ice
  • Avoid tailgating
  • Don’t brake during a turn
  • Use fog lights when needed

Keep in mind that rain on the roads can mix with oil, causing the roads to become slick. Always be aware of changing road conditions that can turn hazardous.

Visit’s blog for more tips on driving in adverse weather conditions.

Conditions to Look Out For

The following conditions require a unique way of driving and safety procedures. Be aware of all of these conditions and know what to do when it happens.

  • Snow – Snow can start falling in Oregon at any time during the winter months. Be sure to remember to turn in the direction of the skid if you start sliding around and drive extremely slowly to avoid an accident. Don’t tailgate and leave plenty of space between drivers.
  • Icy Mountain Roads – Driving on icy mountain roads is very dangerous and should not be done as a rule. If you find yourself in this situation, slow down and take your time. Stay on the dry spots and trails left by other cars, and be especially cautious around curves.
  • Fog – Fog is dangerous because your visibility often goes down to zero. Take your time and turn on your fog lights to increase your visibility. Leave plenty of room. Never pass during fog.
  • Rain – Rain causes slick roads and can cause your car to hydroplane. Use caution always when driving in the rain and be sure to allow for plenty of time.
  • Extreme Heat – During extreme heat spells, make sure you keep coolant in your car and watch your engine light for rising temperature.

What will aid you in bad weather?


The key to any trip is to plan well before you go. Research the local weather of the place in Oregon where you are going and take a weather radio with you.

Keep apps on your phone that will update you and alert you to any changing weather conditions. Listening to local radio stations may also help you stay abreast of the changing weather.

There are also two types of supplemental coverage you may want to consider adding to your auto insurance plan before a road trip.

– Comprehensive Auto Insurance

One of the very best things you can do before heading out on your trip is to have comprehensive auto insurance that will cover you in any unforeseen event.

While comprehensive insurance does cost a bit more on your premiums and won’t cover everything, it will cover a broad range of events that you cannot predict.

– Roadside Assistance

Many people wonder if they should have roadside assistance insurance. It’s a small and affordable coverage that you can add as an option to your insurance policy.

Roadside assistance might be worth it when traveling as the risk increases of being stranded due to changing or unpredictable weather situations.

Shop and Compare Policies for the Best Deal

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In the end, the best thing you can do to prepare yourself for the unpredictable is to shop and compare insurance companies and policies before you go. Talk to your agent of your current policy and also shop around to see if you have what you need to be safe.

Remember that insurance is like that umbrella that you keep in your car but hope you never have to use.

Make sure you are covered and protected before visiting Oregon. Enter your ZIP code below and start comparison shopping for better auto insurance rates today!

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